Our Purpose
To present the complex programs of the Federal Safety Net in a simple format to foster the education of all citizens.
Apply For Welfare
Here is how.
Research and Data
We rely generally on government data and reports. All data is footnoted as to its origin. Our aim is not to generate new research but to cull the vast amount of research and data into a manageable and understandable analysis.
What’s new?
Over four million pages have been viewed on the website. People want to learn and understand!
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Information Only
FederalSafetyNet.com is an information website only. We don’t distribute benefits, tax refunds, or perform any services. See more on the About Us Page.
Welfare Programs
- Refundable Tax Credits (EITC, Child Tax Credit)
- Housing Assistance
- Pell Grants
- Child Nutrition
- Head Start
- Job Training
- Child Care
- Lifeline (Obama Phone)
Welfare Ethics
- We ignore the plight of the mentally ill.
- We discourage work and marriage.
- We enable alcoholism and drug addiction.
- We take away pride
Poverty Statistics
- Adults not working – 29%
- Single moms -23%
- Black Americans – 20%
- Children – 16%
The Federal Safety Net is made up of entitlement programs available to all Americans. That includes welfare programs to protect the poor. This website puts U.S. poverty and the safety net into an easy-to-understand format. Detailed information is linked so you can drill down as deep as you want. Here are the high-level summaries:
Be a better warrior in the war on poverty
Most people have a level of confusion, guilt, and misunderstanding about poverty, welfare, and charity. This site can help you focus your opinions and have more confidence in your actions and perspectives. That is true whether you are helping others or helping yourself!
What is the main purpose of welfare? What do you think?
- To help poor people get back on their feet again, or
- To provide for the needs of the poor people while they are poor. More
Click on the picture below to get answers
Popular Pages
Popular Posts
Startling Poverty Facts Every American Should Know
Kennedy’s Addiction Cured By Faith
A 98% proof plan to avoid poverty
- Personal Responsibility (6)
- Posts on X (7)
- The politics of poverty (8)
- Traits of the poor (3)
Here is the Ultimate Guide on How to Help the Poor
Fast Education
For a quick understanding of the welfare system of the United States, read the U.S. Welfare Programs Page.
One Hour Review
Spend an hour on the Federal Safety Net and come away with a good understanding. Read the following pages:
A Federal Safety Net Book
85-page book on poverty in the U.S. and why it is a blight on the American psyche.
Entitlement Programs
- Social Security
- Welfare
- Medicare
- Medicaid
- Unemployment Insurance
More …
Welfare Issues
- Extreme poverty versus middle-class welfare.
- Cash versus in-kind benefits.
- Complexity of multiple programs and “red tape” versus a simplified system.
- Consistent treatment of all low-income individuals in qualification, delivery, and benefits.
- “Make Work Pay” so that welfare encourages work.
- Marriage Penalty inherent in the welfare system.
- Conditions on receiving welfare versus unconditional benefits.
Articles on Poverty
- Revealing The Poverty Industrial Complex: Profiting From Misery
- The experts have made a homelessness trap
- Startling Poverty Facts Every American Should Know
- CTC expansion – The Old Bait and Switch
- Watch out when you impose income equality
- Kennedy’s Addiction Cured By Faith
- Covid Expense Hurt – It Blew Out the Federal Budget
- Let’s Dream of Welfare 2.0
- Welfare Growth
- Covid and work
- Gifts to the poor
- We’re from the government, we are here to rescue you
- How Do You Measure Poverty? Ms. Poverty Figured It Out
- Five Presidents On Welfare and Poverty- In A Single Voice
- Pauperism in the 1880s – is it still here?
- Opportunity and Poverty – What do the Poor Want?
- Unconditional Giving or Reciprocity in Welfare?
- A 98% proof plan to avoid poverty
- No Goals, No Graduation